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Touching Hearts

Touching Hearts

Here’s what I mean when I say, touching hearts. Touching hearts consists of finding a way in real time to help someone else feel good about themselves.

Touching hearts brings me joy. 

“Aha!” blurts some judgmental naysayer, in a tone that reeks with gotcha. “You do this because it makes you feel good!”

(Well, duh.)  

Even when held in a favorable light, the naysayer’s observation comes fractured down the middle because of a massive blind spot. It does not recognize or even acknowledge one unassailable fact. Here’s the fact. Witnessing happiness appear on someone’s face makes me feel good.

It’s quite simple, really. Seeing someone happy makes me happy. However, if you are going to reach out to someone to touch their heart, your gesture must be rooted in respect, honesty and kindness. It’s important to remember that this moment is not about you. It’s about touching the heart of the person who, let’s say is working at the cash register at a 24-hour gas station food mart. We’ll call him, Biff. 

“Why, Biff?” you ask. 

“Because this is my essay and that’s what it says on his name plate: “Biff.””

Biff is friendly and attentive with the customers. When I get to the register, I say, “You’re a good man, Biff. It shows.”

A heartfelt smile appears on his face. In that moment he is happy. Then, yes, I am happy. 

On another occasion I might say something along the lines of, “Anyone who doesn’t like you is simply not paying attention.”

A few years ago, I lived in in Oneonta, New York. One early morning, I picked up a few things at the supermarket. Eight A.M., or thereabouts. As I was leaving, I saw a woman standing in one of the lines. She had, and no doubt still has, one of the most strikingly beautiful faces I’ve ever seen.

I decided it would be a nice thing to tell her, if there were a way to do so that would be wholly peaceful, cheerful, unthreatening, and, most important of all, make her happy.

She was in the grocery line with customers on either side. Good. There were other people there. So, I walked up to her and said, “Would it be alright if I said something nice to you? (I looked at my watch.) I only have ten seconds of courage on me.”

She smiled (as did the others in line, I was happy to see) and said, “Okay.”

“You’ve got one of the most strikingly beautiful faces I’ve ever seen in my life.” I glanced at my watch. “I’m out of time, gotta go!” 

And away I went. 

When I said those words to that woman, I meant them. Seeing her light up into a big smile and hearing her say, Thank you, made me happy. 


Started working for them in February 2020. And I love this company. They really work with you and they always do what they can to make you happy and have enough hours. I really recommend working for this company! Great pay to! The office staff is amazing and ver friendly.
Amanda D.
Amanda D.
…having spoken to Angie regarding any issues we’d had, I was greatly appreciative and made much happier that it was directly and promptly addressed. They truly have been wonderful about making sure their clients are made happy. Thank you once again Angie and Heart of Gold staff.
Lisa M.
Lisa M.
This is my 4th week with HOG. I’ve been in the industry for over 20 plus years. I must say, HOG is by far the best home health care agency I’ve worked for. From the initial contact to the interview, and being hired, it was a seamless process. The owners genuinely care about their employees as does the entire office staff. I’ve never worked for a home health care company that genuinely cares for its employees. I look forward to many years with HOG.
Helen I.
Helen I.
They were awesome when my husband was alive I couldn’t ask for a better crew to help me take care of my husband they were all like family to us they all went above and beyond I miss u all so much even though the staff was only supposed to be here for my husband they all helped me out when I was down they talk to me and help me get through my day ty so much love you guys.
Renee L.
Renee L.
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