Remember to say, I Love You

Remember to tell those that you love that you love them. Friends, family, significant others, colleagues. Some have a hard time saying I love you out loud. There may have been a time it was not safe for them to do so. However, at this moment, the Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center, reports there are 24.8 million confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the United States, and a confirmed death toll of 414,473 deaths from the virus.
Many of us, here and around the world, are recognizing the fragility of life. A healthy couple who lived down the hall from me caught the virus, and both died weeks later.
So, now more than ever, please, tell those you love that you love them. They deserve to hear it; you deserve to say. Some may say expressions like these are acts of weakness because you are allowing yourself to be vulnerable. I would urge those with this mindset to consider the following. If it is an act of weakness to tell someone you love them, then why is it so hard for so many to do?
No matter ones political or social views, it cannot be argued that we have all been through a few years of tumultuous times. We are still in a battle with this virus, a battle we can win if we pull together and declare war on the virus, rather than each other.
In the meantime, be well, stay safe, remember to live, and remember to say, I love you.