Love for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

March on Washington, 1963
He has been a hero of mine for as long as I can remember. Since I was a little boy. No exaggeration. Were he still alive, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have celebrated his 94th birthday this past Sunday, January 15, 2023. The man was born on that day in 1929. It was a Tuesday.
Yes, we live in a time in which violent words and deeds are woven into the daily tapestries of our lives. Needless to say (or perhaps not), members of the media march in lockstep when it comes to providing daily reminders to us of the dangers of life.
We live in a time where many are wedded to the belief that the ability to inflict violence is a sign of strength in one’s character. Not exactly true. If it is an act of weakness, say, to not respond to a verbal salvo someone’s fired at you, what makes it so hard not to respond. If not responding were a weakness, it would be easy. No one with a working relationship with reality has ever called Dr. King weak.
I miss you, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I am one of millions who do. RIP, my brother. You’re alive and well in my heart and soul.