Feeding the Good Wolf

There is nothing unique about the fact certain suggestions and legends have become boilerplate components of the way I manage my life.
Granted, my mother’s housekeeping tip of: “Put things back,” is as important as it gets when it comes to housekeeping, and it’s one I fail to follow with the diligence it deserves.
Not so the legend of the Two Wolves; a legend that has helped me recognize when I am – or am not – treating my being in a healthy, constructive way. The legend is of a grandfather talking to one of his grandchildren. For me, the legend’s message is simple, clear, and profound.
Grandfather: There are two wolves fighting inside us, the good wolf and the bad wolf.
Grandchild: Which one is going to win?
Grandfather: Whichever one you feed the most.
This is not hard for me to understand. Applying it in my daily life is not always easy, but if I feed the good wolf, there is no doubt my life benefits.
In a grocery store I know which wolf wants the ice cream and which one the fruit and vegetables.
I know too which wolf is feasting when I don’t exercise and which one is feasting when I am.
Here’s the thing, the good wolf in each of us, the healthy wolf, is the one who deserves to be fed. How come? Because you deserve to be treated well.