Daylight Savings Time?!

Daylight Savings Time makes my head spin. The whole springing backwards, or is it forwards. Then there’s this thing called standard time in the fall when you’re either falling forward or falling backward.
Yes, at the moment I am aware the Daylight Savings time springs forward one hour. Where’s the savings? You just took an hour from all of us. The Time Management Gods are a shifty lot. I’ll show you. Fall rolls around and wouldn’t you know, you lose an hour. The clocks go back on hour. Which means on some level the Time Management Gods are telling you, we gave you an hour and we can take an hour back, and make you go through it all over again.
Anyway, as I write these words to you, the clock says it is 8:30 in the morning. Well, I’ve got a message for them there Time Management Gods, if it’s morning, no matter the hour, it’s time for coffee. So there.