A Wired Old Man Once Again!

If you’re a senior on a fixed income, you know a few things. First, the well-worn phrase, “a penny saved is a penny earned,” makes all the sense in the world and then some. Second, time is not something any of us wants to waste.
And this, my dear reader, is why I’m going back to using a computer keyboard with a wire that plugs into the computer and a computer mouse that plugs into the computer. Buying a pack of batteries for $12 or $20 or waiting around for bloody things to charge.
I feel better already.
Don’t even get me started, by the way, on the time wasted when some wireless mouse can’t find the WIFI or Bluetooth signals.
Wired for me means less money spent and that means less stress. Not waiting about for something to charge means less stress too.
There is a cleanliness and clarity to the moment when the stress goes down. I hope that makes sense to you. It does to me.