No Hands in Your Pockets

When I was told to always keep my hands out of my pockets when I was outside, I was sure those telling me this were not – as we used to say – firing all eight. Why on earth would we be given pockets if we couldn’t put our hands in them?
I was 16 when I first encountered this life-management directive. My teachers were the men that watched over us boys in a place called, New Hampton Training School for Boys. Reform school. My experience there was anything but a nightmare. I met boys my age from all walks of life. I made some good friends when I was there who will never leave my heart.
And, by the way, when it comes to keeping your hands out of your pockets when you’re outside? They were – and are – right! If you fall down, your ability to protect yourself using your arms and hands to mitigate the fall is near zero.
I’ve followed this guidance to the best of my ability for the past 52 years. Even though it was cold out this morning when I walked my dog, Rascal. Neither of us had our paws in our pockets