Senior’s Voice: Vaccines, Boosters and Tree Stumps

To boost or not to boost, that may be the question for some. Not this man. Not this senior. Not even close. When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) opened the door for the COVID-19 vaccine booster shots, I signed up, and got my (Moderna) booster.
According to the Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center, as of December 16 this year, more than 800,000 Americans, men, women and children, have been killed by this virus. The exact number is 802,511.
Getting a vaccine booster is not new territory for any of us. Children get vaccinations, including boosters, for mumps, rubella, measles, chickenpox, tetanus, diphtheria, and rubella. I get my flu vaccine every year.
Here are my rules of the road for me when it comes to my healthcare. First, no politician on the planet – of any political stripe – is going to be my healthcare advisor. No doubt some of the guidance is accurate, and some are not. That said, politicians are not doctors and they are not scientists. One member of Congress couldn’t understand why kids couldn’t go to school even with the threat of COVID, because, this person explained, there’s never been a school shut down because of cancer. Not realizing (or knowing and not caring) that COVID is contagious and cancer is not proves this individual has the medical knowledge of a tree stump, and further proves I am wise – I think we all are – to take our guidance from the scientists and doctors. In the meantime, don’t listen to the tree stumps.