Independence, Medication, Winter Boots & Gloves

The mindset of an individual’s independence is, I can take care of myself
Exactly. However, were emotion to design the phrase, it might say, “I can
take care of myself, I don’t need to depend on anyone or anything.”
Not true.
One mght declare, “I take medication for seizure,” or “I take
medication because of my frontal lobe damage,” etcetra, etcetra. One
might declare, I depend on my medications, therefore I am not dependent.
You’re wrong.
Much of indendence is measured by what you know to
depend on. You decide what you’ll depend on. I go out in winter weather; I
depend on my winter clothes and winter boots to keep me warm.
Let’s obliterate the belief that depending on someone, or something
reflects a decrease or, worse still, the complete absence of indepence.
Rubbish. That is a well-worn and utterly innacurate myth.
You and I and everyone we knows depends on things all the time. I
depend my doctor’s knowledge; I depend on those who package food to
know how to package it safely for all; I depend on my eyeglasses so I can
Knowing who and what you can depend on is what matters. You at
the helm of your life decided what you will depend on? Now, that’s